eggs, embryos, etc.i'm still feeling a bit swollen and uncomfortable in the abdomen, but now part of that is due to the antibiotics and the havoc they've wreaked on my digestion. on the retrieval day, they collected 20 eggs.
the numbers 20 and 13 seem lucky. we're hoping to have a baby in 2013 after all
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they're using icsi this time, even though there are no problems on josh's side. they did assisted hatching last time. i don't know the reason for the change. (in our last ivf attempt, we had 30 eggs, 15 fertilized, 5 made it to day 3, and only 1 made it to day 5 for transfer. we were pregnant with identical twins for 15 weeks. in our past 2 attempts, no embryos remained for freezing
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biopsying the embryos. one cell will be removed from each embryo and sent to a company for pgd. i didn't get a call today with an update of the current numbers of embryos. i guess i'll get the important number after the results of the biopsy are in. hopefully we have at least one for the transfer. i'm hoping for more
亞洲知識管理學院. (please, God!)